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售價:530 |
產品說明《KITCHENCRAFT》不鏽鋼搗泥器1850 年創立的英國家族企業 KITCHEN CRAFT,在創始人努力下,成功拓展旗下的系列品牌。同名系列品牌 KC,提供超過 600 個日常廚房內的必需品,不管實用或美觀的設計,為家居與餐廚提供更多美好的選擇。本商品一件入、適用洗碗機。想做點異國風味的南瓜派餅或烹煮時需要搗碎壓扁馬鈴薯等食材,您可利用此款好施力好按壓的搗泥器。大面積的搗泥面,可幫助您平均施力且快速碾碎食材,非常適合馬鈴薯、南瓜、紅蘿蔔等。較高的握把設計,讓您即使處理量多較深的泥狀食材,也不沾手。可吊掛收納省空間。品 牌:英國 KITCHENCRAFT材 質:不鏽鋼尺 寸:長 7.5 X 寬 8 X 高 26 CM產 地:中國 |
搜尋參考資料: 1.Modern European-Style Kitchen Cabinets – Kitchen Craft www.kitchencraft.com Our modern cabinets with European-inspired designs can be tailored to match any lifestyle. Browse our large selection of bath and kitchen cabinets today.
www.kitchencraft.co.uk As one of the UK’s largest kitchenware companies, Kitchen Craft takes pride in supplying a wide and exciting choice of over three thousand kitchen, dining and ... https://www.facebook.com/kitchencraftUK Kitchen Craft. 8,757 likes · 63 talking about this. We offer over 3,500 kitchen, dining and homeware items to leading outlets both in the UK and... www.kitchencraft.in/index.html Kitchen Craft is a company with a difference in every sense of the term, is a manufacturer and supplier of kitchen equipment and customized hospital equipment … Related searches for 《kitchen craft》不鏽鋼搗泥器 《KitchenCraft》不鏽鋼搗泥器 |
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